The benefits of fruit consumption in Babies and early age

Introducing babies to a variety of healthy foods from an early age is essential for their optimal growth and development, and builds a good habit for their future. Among these foods, fruits play a crucial role by offering a range of nutritional benefits.

In that sense, fruits are an excellent source of essential vitamins and minerals. These nutrients are essential for the proper development of the immune system, eyesight, skin, and other bodily systems. Vitamins such as vitamin C in citrus fruits, blueberries and raspberries contribute to strengthening the overall health of the baby.

In addition to essential nutrients, fruits also contain dietary fiber. The early introduction of fruits can help establish healthy bowel habits in babies, preventing constipation and promoting regular digestion.

Fruits are essentially sweet, making them an attractive option for babies as they transition to solid foods. By offering fruit instead of added sugars, parents can help establish healthy food preferences from an early age and reduce the risk of developing a penchant for ultra-processed foods later in life.

Therefore, variety is key in children’s nutrition, and fruits offer a wide range of options to explore different flavors, textures and colors. Introducing a variety of fruits early on can help develop your baby’s palate and increase her willingness to try new foods as she grows, as well as allow her to present herself creatively for little ones to see.

In summary, the consumption of fruits in babies provides a series of nutritional benefits that range from strengthening the immune system to promoting healthy eating habits. Introducing a variety of fruits into your baby’s diet from an early age can set the stage for a lifetime of mindful and healthy food choices.

Did you know that the benefits are linked to the colors?

Red:Lycopene is a natural plant pigment, belonging to the group of carotenoids, which gives tomatoes and fruits such as watermelon, papaya, and red or pink grapefruit their red color. This carotenoid has antioxidant properties.
Purple:They have antioxidant properties
Green:They improve digestion and help the normal functioning of the liver. In addition, they are rich in iron, folic acid, fiber and antioxidants.
Orange and yellow:They contain carotenoids that help the health of the eyes.
Brown and white:Rich in potassium and have phytochemicals with antiviral and antibacterial properties.

(*) Source: ZACARÍAS H., SPEISKY C., FUENTES G., GONZÁLEZ G., DOMPER R., FONSECA M., OLIVARES C. (Ed.). (2016). Los colores de la salud. Gobierno de Chile; Ministerio de Agricultura.

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